4 min read
Reducing Water Usage: A Guide to Fixing Leaky Toilets and Saving Water
David Schwartz Aug 29, 2024 3:09:35 AM
As a landlord, whether you want to enhance income from rental properties or elevate your property’s reputation, the best solution is to reduce water wastage!
The greatest cause behind rental property water wastage is leaky toilets because they are often overlooked. Besides fixing the toilets, you can also implement some practical ideas to reduce water consumption on the property.
So, let’s explore all the water-conserving tips here!
Solutions for Leaky Toilets
1. Switch the flapper valve
A flapper valve is the plastic/rubber valve attached to the chain of the toilet flush. Every time you flush the toilet, the chain pulls it up, opens the outlet, and lets water flow into the toilet bowl.
While flapper valves become deformed with time, some new models are faulty and don’t close properly. If the flapper valve is not secure, it causes leaks.
To test for flapper issues, add food coloring to the tank water. If the toilet bowl water also gets colored without any flushing, there’s a flapper issue. Switch the flapper valve immediately.
Ask tenants to experiment with food coloring once in a while to check for leaks.
2. Replace fill valve
Another common cause behind leaky toilets is toilet fill valve problems. The fill valve sends water to the toilet tank.
When toilet fill valve problems occur, the valve won’t close once the tank fills up to the dedicated mark. After overfilling the tank, excess water is discharged into the bowl through the overflow tube.
To test for this, check whether there’s at least a 1-inch gap between the tank water surface and the overflow tube. If it’s less than an inch and the water is still flowing, you’ve identified the issue!
You must replace the fill valve immediately. However, more often than not, tenants don’t notice these issues.
So, it’s better to invest in an automatic toilet leak prevention valve. Such devices come in handy even for flapper valve issues.
Install a valve with a motion sensor to let out water into the tank only when a user enters the toilet. Once they’re out, the valve closes automatically, ensuring no leaks!
3. Check for toilet shut-off valve leaking
Another serious issue is the toilet shut off valve leaking. The toilet shut off valve is a small valve placed on the water supply line connecting to the toilet.
This valve lets you shut off the water supply to the toilet during repairs. You’ll notice it near the toilet base and comes with a knob.
To fix a toilet shut off valve leaking, tighten its packing nut. If that doesn’t work, replace the valve.
4. Replace the wax ring
Another common issue is the toilet leaking around the base. This happens due to a broken/loose wax ring, which causes water to leak on the washroom floor right after flushing.
If you’re unaware, a wax ring is a water-tight seal that looks like a ring. It’s placed between the toilet base and the drain pipe.
5. Regularly check for loose bolts
During every flush, the bolts connecting the toilet bowl and tank vibrate and become loose. This can lead to sudden leaks into the toilet bowl or floor. Periodically check the bolts and tighten them. Be gentle to avoid damaging the porcelain.
If the bolts are corroded, replace them ASAP.
Solutions for Reducing Water Usage
1. Upgrade all toilets
If the toilets are 10-15 years or older, these models are far more likely to leak frequently. Follow the US Environmental Protection Agency’s suggestion and invest in a WaterSense-labeled toilet. This saves up to 13,000 gallons of water annually on average.
If you’re low on funds and have several apartments, invest in the replacement slowly. However, don’t ignore it.
You can also consider dual-flush toilet models. These come with a smaller flush for liquids and a bigger flush for solids.
2. Educate your tenants
If you put in all the effort but your tenant's wastewater without a thought, there won’t be much of a difference. So, insist your tenants on following these:
- Take a short shower instead of baths, which require more gallons of water.
- Don’t rub the shower when you lather up with soap and shampoo.
- Don’t leave the faucet running while brushing, shaving, or even washing your face.
- Wait until washing machines and dishwashers are full, and then run them.
- Instead of lightly washing leftovers off plates, scrape off the solid food only.
- Water houseplants only in the early mornings and late evenings. It reduces the evaporation rate, and plants need less watering.
You can share flyers or stick a poster on every floor of your property. You may also email the list to each tenant.
However, it never promises that tenants will follow these rules. Instead, you can plan an incentive program offering special discounts to reduce water usage and overall bills.
3. Reduce shower water flow
High water flow in showers causes major water waste. So, another way of reducing water usage is to install low-flow showerheads. However, some tenants may remove the restrictor (the main component to reduce flow) to enhance water flow.
In this case, switch to a shower flow controller concealed behind the wall so tenants can’t tamper with it. These ensure even water flow throughout all floors. They come with auto-clean technology, so no maintenance trouble!
4. Displace some water from the toilet tank
Another inexpensive way to reduce water consumption is to place a water displacement bag/device in the cistern of all toilets. This displaces water and ensures that every time you use the toilet, you flush out less water.
You can even save more money by placing a sealed and filled plastic water bottle instead of the water displacement bag.
5. Add aerators to faucets
Aerators are a mesh screen that’s fixed on the faucet. When water passes through it, air is added, which separates the stream. In this way, the water pressure stays the same, but less water comes out, reducing water usage every time.
With these leaky toilet fixes and general water-saving solutions, you’ll effectively save water from your rental property.
This will not only save your utility expenses but also boost your property’s efficiency. It makes your property sustainable and boosts your reputation as a landlord!
For further innovative water conservation solutions, contact us at The Water Scrooge. Implement our latest products to improve your water-saving efforts!