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The Landlord's Definitive Guide to Minimizing Operating Costs

They say it takes a special kind of person to become an apartment landlord—business savvy,...

How to Cut Operating Expenses for Apartment Buildings

Operating expenses are part of any business. The nice thing about owning an apartment building? You...

7 Apartment Amenities Tenants Actually Care About in 2016

While homeownership was once considered an absolute for the average American, the value of “the...

3 Tips: Make Older Multi-Family Building Eco-Friendly (On a Budget)

Eco-friendly—it’s a buzzword that’s gone mainstream

How to Save Water and Energy at the Same Time

Water and energy use are closely linked. First, it requires energy to pull water from its source...

What Rising Water Bills Mean for Landlords in 2016

Over the past year, the cost of water rose 6% in 30 major U.S. cities. Overall, the analysts at ...

11 Creative Ways to Lower Utility Bills in Multi-Unit Buildings

Like most landlords and property owners, you're most likely on the lookout to improve both the...

5 Creative Ways to Save Water in Older Multi-Unit Buildings

With water costs rising significantly year-over-year, landlords of older, multi-unit buildings are...

5 Ways for Older Multifamily Properties to Reduce Operation Expenses

Being a landlord is undeniably expensive. Between skyrocketing utility costs, rising wages, and...