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The Best Solution for Leaky Toilets - The Toilet Scrooge™

Unlike leak detection solutions in the market, The Toilet Scrooge™ prevents leaks instead of just...

A Toilet Valve That Will Fix 80% of Your Leaks

As a landlord, getting an unusually high bill could mean a few things...

  • It's a mistake (which it...

Property Owners: Identify and Fix Water Leaks Once and For All

Did you know the third week of every March is Fix a Leak Week?

Yep, that’s right! The Environmental...

SMART VALVE™ for the Win: Before & After Installations

When we install the SMART VALVE™, we reduce your water bill by 25%! Landlords are raving about our ...

10 Questions You May Have About The Toilet Scrooge™ - Answered

What's worse than a leaky toilet? A lot of them! According to the Environmental Protection Agency...

5 Ugly Facts About Water Leaks in Apartment Buildings

Clear your mind, and imagine this— one trillion gallons of water.

Having some trouble? We don't...

How Much Does a Running Toilet REALLY Cost?

People love the sound of running water. Be it babbling brooks, cascading waterfalls, or ocean...

10 Questions You May Have About Smart Valve™ - Answered.

Many people have questions about the Smart Valve™, and we are happy to "clear the air" (😉). The...

Eliminate Water Meter Inaccuracies with Smart Valve™

Why is there inaccuracy in your water meter

It's simply a matter of the physics of delivering...

Water Conservation Ways: Fix Water metering Inaccuracies

Do you know how much you are paying (or overpaying) on monthly water bills each month? Did you know...

Water Conservation Facts Everyone Should Know

Water is essential for human survival. You can survive without food for one month, but more than a...

How to Save Water and Energy

As the landlord of a large building in the Tri-state area, you know exactly how much you spend on...

3 Ways to Conserve Water at the Your Properties

If you’re a property owner who includes utilities as part of the lease agreement, one of the best...

Exclusivity Deal Between The Water Scrooge & Water Control Management

The Water Scrooge is thrilled to announce an exclusivity deal with the Canadian water conservation...

The 5 Best NYC Co-op Management Companies

Running a condo or co-op management company isn't always glamorous.

How to Control Tenants Water Usage?

As a landlord in New York City, you are required to pay tenant water bills.

The Best Ways to Conserve Water in Large Residential Buildings

The idea that we should conserve water has been around for enough generations that it’s been...

NYC's New Water Rates Increase (How to Avoid Paying More)

It's been called "the champagne of drinking water," and for good reason. Compared to other major...

Prevent Claims: Must-Have Wireless Water Leak Sensors

Leaking toilets and pipes are the kind of thing that keeps landlords up at night. Not only can they...

How to Save Water and Significantly Lower Property Operating Expenses

New York, along with other major metro areas nationwide, is at risk for a water shortage crisis...

5 Signs Your Tenants are Using Excessive Water

Water is a hot commodity.

In New York City, the cost for 100 cubic feet of water is $10.33.

How to Reduce Water Usage Without Sacrificing Tenant Comfort?

Fun fact: Water costs have increased by 300 percent in New York City since 2000.

The Difference Between Leak Detection Inside vs. Outside the Unit

Water is the largest expense for building owners in New York today. Not only do landlords need to...

Evicting a Tenant Without a Lease in NYC: What You Should Know

Owning a multi-family building comes with many duties, including maintaining units, managing staff,...

What Are Water Controllers?

As a landlord looking for ways to maximize your rental income, you've probably stumbled across lots...

A Guide for Landlords to Reduce How Much Water is Used in a Shower

The average American showers for 8 minutes, consuming about 20 gallons of water each session. For...

How to Increase and Maximize Your Rental Income Without Raising Rent?

Water prices have exploded across the US in the past few years. If you’re a landlord, you may well...

How Landlords Can Overcome the Costly Results of Bad Tenant Habits?

Water is one of the highest utility costs landlords face, and it’s impossible to control this...

Revealed: The Myth of Water Saving Toilets

What do Sony Playstation, the sitcom Friends, and water saving toilets have in common?

All were...

Affordable Housing Developers: Increase Profits With Technology in NYC

What do retail associates, police officers, and municipal employees in major cities all have in...

6 Ways to Reduce Operating Expenses for Condo Buildings in NYC

In the real estate industry, you're only as good as your bottom line—and managing that can be...

4 Ways To Save Money on NYC Apartment Renovations

When renovating apartments in NYC, it's important to think ahead. Smart and thorough planning can...

The Real Reason Water Efficient Plumbing Fixtures Don't Save Money

Water efficient fixtures promise a lot—it's easy to see why they are so popular.

After all, who...

Is Your Apartment Maintenance Technician Making These 3 Common Errors?

Great apartment maintenance technicians are gold.

Find one who is trustworthy, speedy, and...

Tenant Screening Report: 4 Things Property Managers Should Evaluate

"Come one, come all," sounds good unless you're talking about prospective tenants. The fact is,...

The Top 5 Structural Engineering Firms in NYC

The Eiffel Tower. The Panama Canal. The Burj Khalifa.All of these structural marvels have one thing...

The 13 Best Architects and Architecture Firms in NYC for 2017

Now you're in New York. These streets will make you feel brand new; the lights will inspire you.


Reviewing The Top 5 Structural Engineering Firms in NYC

The Eiffel Tower. The Panama Canal. The Burj Khalifa.All of these structural marvels have one thing...

10 Ways to Reduce Apartment Vacancy Rates in 2017

Filling apartment vacancies has never been easier.

Don't believe us?

The U.S. rental population is...

7 Apartment Marketing Ideas for Filling Holiday Vacancies

Most people hate moving...

The packing of boxes, the lifting of heavy objects and the expense of...

The Ultimate Guide to Rockstar Property Management

Good property managers keep everyone happy: tenants, owners, even contractors. In other words, they...

Increase Apartment Listing Traffic: Advertising-Free Strategies

Can you afford to effectively advertise your apartments for rent?

Can you afford not to?

5 Little-Known Ways to Attract Tenants Through Online Marketing

You know you need to be online. You put your rentals on all the big sites and Craigslist, of...

Do Not Respond to Another Bad Apartment Review Until You Read This

Online review sites have forever changed the way consumers make purchasing decisions.

In fact, ...

How Much It Really Costs When a Tenant Fails to Report Toilet Leaks

Have you ever heard water running through your pipes at night?

It’s probably just some air bubbles...

Multi-Family Properties: Pros and Cons of Management Options

Great property management is vital to a multi-family community's long-term success, but it can also...