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Posts about

Multi-Family Buildings

Evicting a Tenant Without a Lease in NYC: What You Should Know

Owning a multi-family building comes with many duties, including maintaining units, managing staff,...

Case Study - 3071 Perry Avenue, Bronx. NY

The Water Scrooge™ was engaged to affect water savings in this 12-unit building. The starting point...

Case Study - 602 W 139 St NY

The Water Scrooge™ was engaged to affect water savings in this 30-unit building. The starting point...

Case Study - Harlem Portfolio

The Water Scrooge was engaged to affect water savings in the affected properties with 80 units.


Case Study - 1436 Lexington Avenue NY

The Water Scrooge was engaged to affect water savings in this 13-unit building. The starting point...

Case Study - 450 Gouverner Place Yonkers NY

The Water Scrooge was engaged to affect water savings in this 68-unit building. In 2022, The...

Case Study - 144 East 22nd St NY

The Water Scrooge™ was engaged to affect water savings in this 46-unit building. The starting point...

Case Study - White Glove with The Water Scrooge™

With The Water Scrooge's™ full-service offerings, you can reduce your monthly water bill by 65%....

Case Study - Grand Concourse Apartments - The Toilet Scrooge™ Savings

The Toilet Scrooge™ is the perfect device for anyone wanting to save water, money and avoid leaks!...

Is There Anything I Can Do to Reduce My Tenants’ Water Bills

You want to find the most efficient and cost-effective ways to maintain your utilities when renting...

Top 3 Benefits Of Water Consulting Services

It is evident that landlords do not have the time to be involved with each of their individual...

Top Myths of Low Flow Shower Heads

Some of life’s greatest pleasures are the simplest.

The invigorating feeling of stepping outside on...

How Much Water Do Running Toilets Use?

One in five toilets has a leak!

While that number may surprise you, the fact of the matter is that...

The 8 Best Water-Saving Products for Multifamily Buildings

Everyone involved with property management wants to conserve water, especially those of us...

Case Study - Overnight Savings with the Toilet Scrooge™

The Toilet Scrooge™ toilet leak prevention device can be installed under any tank toilet using hose...

6 Common Water Conservation Myths

Let's start off with a couple of facts. You're one in 7.9 billion people who need fresh water to...

The Best Solution for Leaky Toilets - The Toilet Scrooge™

Unlike leak detection solutions in the market, The Toilet Scrooge™ prevents leaks instead of just...

A Toilet Valve That Will Fix 80% of Your Leaks

As a landlord, getting an unusually high bill could mean a few things...

  • It's a mistake (which it...

Property Owners: Identify and Fix Water Leaks Once and For All

Did you know the third week of every March is Fix a Leak Week?

Yep, that’s right! The Environmental...

SMART VALVE™ for the Win: Before & After Installations

When we install the SMART VALVE™, we reduce your water bill by 25%! Landlords are raving about our ...

5 Ugly Facts About Water Leaks in Apartment Buildings

Clear your mind, and imagine this— one trillion gallons of water.

Having some trouble? We don't...

5 Signs Your Tenants are Using Excessive Water

Water is a hot commodity.

In New York City, the cost for 100 cubic feet of water is $10.33.

How to Increase and Maximize Your Rental Income Without Raising Rent?

Water prices have exploded across the US in the past few years. If you’re a landlord, you may well...

Affordable Housing Developers: Increase Profits With Technology in NYC

What do retail associates, police officers, and municipal employees in major cities all have in...

6 Ways to Reduce Operating Expenses for Condo Buildings in NYC

In the real estate industry, you're only as good as your bottom line—and managing that can be...

4 Ways To Save Money on NYC Apartment Renovations

When renovating apartments in NYC, it's important to think ahead. Smart and thorough planning can...

5 Tips for Making Your Multi-Family Property Pet-Friendly

It's undeniable—cats and dogs provide a level of companionship like no other. There are some...

The 5 Best Rental Property Management Companies in NYC

Being a landlord is tough. You’re the individual responsible for your tenants’ comfort, safety, and...

How to Choose the Best Apartment Maintenance Contractors

Bursting pipes. Drafty fireplaces, leaky toilets.Apartments don't stay in like-new condition...

5 Surprising Apartment Features Millennials Want Most

It’s happened.

Millennials have surpassed every other age group as the largest generational...

4 Sustainable Apartment Trends Everyone is Talking About

Everyone is looking for the next best thing. Whether it's the newest cell phone on the market or...

How to Solve 4 Common Property Manager Frustrations

Being a property manager isn't always easy.

Oftentimes you're extinguishing one fire after the...

5 Easy Tips for Water Conservation in High Rise Buildings

Managing a high rise building involves many moving parts. Perhaps, the most important of them all? ...

5 Things Great Property Managers Do That Others Don't

Historically speaking, tenants dislike property managers and property managers dislike tenants....

How Much Does it Cost to Paint an Apartment Complex?

When it comes to painting, there's usually a volley of questions that follow.

What color?


Retain The Best Tenants with Awesome Maintenance Programs

How responsive and effective is your building's maintenance team?

Maintenance service quality is ...

5 Fast and Easy Ways to Increase Profits From Multi-Family Properties

The number of investors in multi-family properties who do little more than collect checks is...

The Most Desirable Apartment Features Tenants Look For

They say home is where the heart is—but it’s actually wherever someone feels most comfortable.


5 Ways to Reduce Apartment Operating Expenses Per Unit

Owning a multi-family building can be highly profitable—if you’re in control of operating expenses....

How to Take The Best Photos for Apartment Listings

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words, but when it comes to apartment listings, that picture...

Apartment Tours: 6 Steps to Make Tenants Want to Rent From You

Apartment tours are an instrumental part of keeping your building occupied.

Whether you are...

How (and why) to Provide Five Star Maintenance for Tenants

Tenant demands action on neglected maintenance problems!

The above was the headline of a major...

4 Ways to Optimize Heating and Cooling In Old Apartment Buildings

NYC landlords of older residential buildings have unique challenges when it comes to heating and...

Top 5 Multi-Family ROI Boosts: Capital Improvements

Building age, location, tenant profile and surrounding competition can all impact the cost of rent....

7 Ways to Lower Energy Consumption in Multi-Family Properties

For multi-family property owners, keeping a watchful eye on energy consumption is imperative. Not...

Apartment Staffing: 3 Times Contractors are More Cost-Effective

Running a successful apartment community is never a one-man job.

The Landlord's Definitive Guide to Minimizing Operating Costs

They say it takes a special kind of person to become an apartment landlord—business savvy,...

How to Cut Operating Expenses for Apartment Buildings

Operating expenses are part of any business. The nice thing about owning an apartment building? You...